Wednesday, 28.03.2018 - New Delhi

Draft Code raises hopes of realising Social Security for All in India

India, being a Welfare State, has taken upon itself the responsibility of extending various benefits of social security and social assistance to its citizens. The Social Security legislations in India derive their strength and spirit from the Directive Principles of the State Policy as contained in the Constitution of India.


For a very long time, social security in India has been extended to the organised sector and left out a large unorganised workforce. In its pursuit of universalisation of social security in India and in line with the recommendations of the Second National Commission of Labour, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India has drafted Code on Social Security and Welfare. The code in its present form envisages to realise social security for all in a phased manner as outlined in the ILO Convention 102.     


FES India along with other stakeholders met for a day long consultation on 28th March 2018 at New Delhi to discuss the draft version of  this Code. Supportive statements were made for the steps being taken to bring even the last worker within the ambit of social security. 


However, concerns were raised on its workability on a pan India basis and equal representation to all the three tripartite constituents. Given the fact that the social security schemes will merge in the future, how the existing distinction between organised and unorganised sector shall be addressed, remains to be seen.

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