Monday, 21.03.2016 - India

FES India - Big Green Initiative

Why Green, Why Big

Climate change issues score very high on the development agenda. For a developing country like India, it is not only about environment protection but also about addressing livelihood needs and the growing aspirations of its burgeoning population. Adverse effects of climate change have been compounded by poor livelihood planning and non-participatory governance structures.

Photo: FES

Traditionally, environment and livelihood are seen as competing forces. Though there have been sporadic Green Livelihood Initiatives (GLIs) which combine environment and livelihood in a sustainable manner, the size of intervention and impact is limited. The need of the hour is to bring these small and limited green initiatives to the center of developmental discourse which aims at aligning social-economic and environmental imperatives thus enunciating a new approach to sustainable development.

Big Green
FES working group on Climate Change (under the International Department on Sustainability) has the broad objective of shaping climate policy in a socially just way. FES Big Green Initiative intends to inform development and livelihoods practitioners about Scale Up Framework which can help them bring scale to local initiatives to address and minimize the effects of climate change. The process entails long term intervention, proactive planning, optimal use of available resources which would help maintain a balance between aspirations and resources. This would be accomplished at two levels- a) Engaging with policy shapers to influence livelihood and environmental initiatives. B) Familiarizing Green Champions, who are implementing Green Livelihood Initiatives across India, with best practices as enunciated in Scale Up Framework.

India Office

K-70B, Hauz Khas Enclave
New Delhi 110016

+91-11-4141 3300 - 99


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